We delve into the different avenues that can be followed to access justice. We will look at alternative methods of dispute resolution which are more affordable and accessible, including discussing some of the institutions and ombudsman where commonly encountered disputes can be referred to before approaching the courts.

Find out what 'hearsay evidence' means, and whether it has any relevance in a South African legal context.

Sexual harassment can occur anywhere, including schools, at social gatherings or in the workplace. During this podcast, we will provide an understanding of what sexual harassment is, the rights and remedies available to victims of sexual harassment, offer more details about sexual harassment in the workplace and the responsibilities of employees and employers when it happens.

The interest in secure and convenient living has become more important to South Africans in recent years. More people are selling their standalone homes and opting to move into secure gated complexes that are known as Sectional Title Schemes. This movement is prompted by a number of benefits that complex life provides, such as:

• reduced maintenance duties;
• increased safety and security; and
• shared amenities, such as communal clubhouses, playgrounds, gyms and swimming pools.

However, staying in a complex comes with certain limitations owners and residents are faced with, which may lead to disputes that can most often be resolved if everyone understands their rights and duties.

In this case study, take a look at what defines a universal partnership and how it might affect the parties if something should go wrong between them.

The children of South Africa live in a country which has a Constitution underpinned by the highest regard for human rights, equality and dignity. However, despite our sophisticated legal framework, violence against children remains the greatest threat and a critical challenge for the country.

Following the successful completion of our first intake, we are continuing with the LegalWise #BeyondMentorship programme.

The Women of LegalWise are joined by Mark Grobbelaar, Founder of Women INpowered: an extremely simple, easy to learn, yet incredibly effective self INpowerment system that has been designed specifically for women to give them mental and physical ability to make a choice in threatening situations.

Whether it’s “lobolo” or “lobola”, we have a legal document that has you covered during the lobolo negotiations. The Makhs share their experience.

Create your own Lobolo Agreement using our Online Contract Creator. Visit: https://bit.ly/3paUA7w to start.

Whether it’s “lobolo” or “lobola”, we have a legal document that has you covered during the lobolo negotiations. The Makhs share their experience.