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Cohabitation Agreement

A written agreement entered into by an unmarried couple in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage in order to protect their rights and obligations. A cohabitation agreement regulates aspects, such as living expenses, shared property, termination, maintenance, and so on.

Recent Legal Articles


Labour Law: Understanding the New Earnings Threshold

South African labour law provides for an annual earnings threshold used to establish whether certain protection provided by labour law will apply to an employee or not. Many employees do not know what this earnings threshold actually means and what impact an increase to this earnings threshold will have on them.
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National Minimum Wage: What you need to know

The National Minimum Wage Act 9 of 2018 (“Act”) aims to advance economic development and social justice by protecting workers from being paid unreasonably low wages. The Act applies to all workers and their employers except members of National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service. Every employer may not pay wages that are below the minimum wage and the national minimum wage cannot be reduced by contract, except if the contract provides for a more favourable wage.
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