To ensure that we stay relevant with today's technological advancements and provide access to justice to our Members, despite their geographical location and personal circumstances, we launched an initiative to provide video consultations on Zoom. This platform allows our Members to consult with our Legal Counsellors without having to make the effort of visiting any of our Branches. The services also allow the transfer of documentation and other information that is needed.

We have received wonderful reviews from our Members who have successfully attended video consultations with our Legal Counsellors with some of them stating the following:

Katloema Hoarst -“I would rate my Zoom Consultation as a 10/10.”

Simon Zakhele Lelaka -“I just wish to state the use of Zoom for meeting, communication and feedback by your office has enhanced communication and interaction between your organisation and myself.”

Should you wish to jump onto a video consultation, follow the steps.

To consult on Zoom

Step 1                                                                                       

Schedule the appointment by calling 010 140 0710 or 086 142 7777, e-mail 

Step 2                                                                                                      

We will schedule the consultation on your behalf and will confirm the date and time by SMS.

Step 3                                                                                                         

We will send you an e-mail confirming the appointment date and time and will include a link to the appointment on Zoom.

Step 4                                                                                                           

At the time of the appointment you will need to click on the link provided in the e-mail to join Zoom.

Step 5                                                                                                                  

Join the video call.*

*Data costs and Ts&Cs apply