August 16, 2023


Dear Member,

To all great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters we say happy Women's Month!

The month of August holds deep historical significance in South Africa, tracing its roots back to the struggles and triumphs of women throughout the nation's history. On August 9, 1956, thousands of courageous women from all walks of life marched to the Union Buildings in Pretoria to protest against the discriminatory Pass Laws. This iconic event serves as a powerful reminder of the collective strength and determination of women to fight for their rights. It was a turning point in the struggle for gender equality in our country. Since that momentous day, South Africa has witnessed significant changes in the status of women. Our nation has made considerable strides in advancing women's rights and fostering a more inclusive society. Women now occupy prominent positions in various sectors, breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings. Their contributions to politics, business, arts, and sciences have been instrumental in shaping our nation's progress.

In this edition of the WiseUp Newsletter, we discuss some of the significant advances that have been made. We touch on how women can now legally and independently enter into sale transactions and own immovable property and move from a joint bond holder to a single owner. Furthermore, we discuss women's rights to accessing insurance products and the evolving landscape of customary marriage and the tradition of handing over the bride and how the courts deal with this requirement. Read more.

A reminder, we now have a dedicated team that will assist you with any challenges you might experience in dealing with your Municipality.  The team can assist with various billing disputes, for an example, excessive water and electricity bills.

We also highlight the importance of having a valid Will. Read more about how you can draft a Will to ensure that your loved ones are taken care of when you are no longer there.

In our quest to continuously improve our services, we are happy to announce that a number of our Branches will undergo refurbishments. The refurbishments include a new Welcome Desk and a fully equipped video consultation room. 

As always, we encourage you to download and register on our App from the Apple App or Google Play stores. This makes it easy for you to view your Membership card, Schedule of Insurance, pay your premiums, switch Membership options, update your personal details and much more.


Yours sincerely,

Siva Gengan                                                                        

Chief Executive Officer