A Will is a document in which a person ("the testator”) makes sure that his/her belongings are distributed in accordance with his/her wishes after his/her death.
The transfer of property is when the ownership of a property is moved from one person to another person. This happens when a property is sold or when the owner of the property dies and leaves the property to another person.
What are the functions of the Rental Housing Tribunal and which complaints may be lodged? Learn more about your rights surrounding the Rental Housing Tribunal by reading this QuickLaw guide.
A lease agreement is entered into when one person, the landlord, gives use and enjoyment of his/her property (for example, a house, flat or room) to another person, the tenant, for a specific period of time in return for the payment of rent.
What is an eviction and when may a person be evicted from the property s/he is staying on? Read about the procedure that must be followed during evictions here.