A (10) | B (4) | C (32) | D (13) | E (12) | F (3) | G (4) | I (9) | J (6) | L (6) | M (16) | N (6) | O (4) | P (17) | R (6) | S (11) | T (3) | U (2) | V (2) | W (11) | (1)

The biological father or mother of a child who has full or limited parental rights and responsibilities over his/her child.

To care for a child, maintain contact with the child, act as guardian of the child and to contribute to the maintenance of the child.

PAYMENT DISTRIBUTION AGENCY: an independent third person who monitors the re-payments from a consumer to his/her credit providers.

PERMANENT DISABILITY: work-related injury or disease that prevents an employee from working, or limits an employee to light duty only. For example, the loss of a limb, or the loss of or limited function of an organ.

PERSON: natural (individuals) or juristic (companies, close corporations, educational and religious institutions, and clubs and societies) person.

A certificate issued by a registered person stating that the property is free of infestation of wood destroying insects or fungi.

PEST CONTROL CERTIFICATE: a certificate issued by a registered person stating that the property is free of infestation of wood destroying insects or fungi.

An ordinary consumer, with an average education and minimal knowledge on the goods or services being advertised, sold or rendered, must be able to, or expected to be able to, understand the words used.

PLAIN LANGUAGE: an ordinary consumer, with an average education and minimal knowledge on the goods or services being advertised, sold or rendered, must be able to, or expected to be able to, understand the words used.

The person who institutes legal action against another.

refers to a marriage where a man has more than one wife at a time.

Refers to a marriage where a man has more than one wife at a time.

A legal document that allows a person to perform a certain act on behalf of another person.

A person who wastes money in an irresponsible and extravagant manner.

A place where a person can live in, for example, a house, room, flat, garage or similar structure built on land used for housing purposes.

all assets owned by a person, such as a house, vehicle and money

It is an order made by a court that prevents the respondent from causing domestic violence to the complainant and can be interim or final. The protection order may contain certain terms and conditions that a respondent must comply with, for example, the protection order can state that the respondent is not allowed to make any contact with the complainant or to go near the complainant.